• Curriculum, teaching and assessment audits are available for all schools. These will be planned with the school’s leadership.     
  • Peer visits at all levels in the organisation will be a key feature of our collaborative working. Peer visits can involve associate or teaching staff in reciprocal learning.
  • PP reviews and evaluations via the Research School. All DMAT schools will have access to highly regarded pupil premium reviews, evaluations  and strategy document support and advice. The reviews will look at common areas across schools and will also take into account individual school context and need.  The outcomes of reviews and evaluations can also feed into further CPD and development.
  • Support for OfSTED preparation will be provided based on triangulation of previous OfSTED inspections and visits, school to school visits/ reviews and the school’s improvement plan. We will share OfSTED experiences from within the trust and will look for external expertise when required.   
  • Annual SEND review and audit. The review will be two-way so that schools can also receive advice and support,  and discussions started in the reviews can develop well beyond the visits. 
  • Monitoring, support and intervention (bespoke to context). The school improvement strategy is based around knowing schools and their contexts well and using this knowledge to plan intervention which is sharply focused on actual need. We will provide supportive challenges to schools so that we are all working to achieve excellence for all. 
  • Curriculum and phase networks will allow collaboration, sharing of good practice and an understanding of what does and does not work. This will also lead to  sharper foci and reduced workload. 

  • Attendance at SEND network/Inclusion networks. These networks will work in the same way as the network described above. They will allow for SENDCO’s to support each other as critical friends in terms of general SEND practice and with specific cases.’