
John taught in primary schools in Surrey and West Sussex for 38 years, with 26 as Headteacher in three very different maintained primary schools. His last Headship was at Thomas A Becket Junior School in Worthing where over 14 years he saw hundreds of children successfully transition to Durrington High and then thrive there.
He is an experienced, innovative school leader with a highly successful background in network learning – connecting primary schools within and beyond West Sussex. Co-founder of the ‘Think First’ Network Learning Community of West Sussex primary schools, consultant Headteacher on the DfE’s Black Country Challenge initiative, and passionate connector of best practice between schools.
He also served as a Local Authority Link Adviser, Chair of West Sussex Primary Headteachers’ Association, and as a Local Leader of Education (including as a Professional Partner supporting and coaching newly appointed school leaders), and is currently a Governor at two large primary schools in West Sussex, and is delighted to have joined DMAT as a Trustee.
He is also vice-President of the West Sussex Branch of the National Association of Headteachers (NAHT), and is enjoying working in a part-time role as Locality Lead Director with the West Sussex Teaching School Hub.