Durrington High School awarded the Core Values Trophy at the Sussex Lego League Regional Tournament

The computing department at Durrington High School took their first team to the Lego League Regional Tournament for Sussex Area held at Gatwick Airport. The First Lego League Challenge is a global competition for young people aged 9 to 16, run in the UK by the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Durrington High were the […]
DHS crowned Dance Live winners again!

Well done to everyone involved on another incredible performance, we are extremely proud of you all. A special thanks to Mrs Isham and the Performing Arts team for your dedication and commitment to our brilliant students.
St John’s College Oxford – Inspire Scholars Programme

Durrington High School are delighted to announce that we have entered into a partnership with The University of Oxford – St John’s College to become a member of their Inspire Scholars Programme. We are very proud to be one of only 30 schools in the south and south east region to have been selected for […]
The National CyberFirst Girls Competition is run by National Cyber Security Centre which is part of GCHQ, the Governments Communications Headquarters.

This week we entered 6 teams from Year 8 into the competition. This national competition aims to inspire girls interested in technology to pursue a career in cyber security while breaking barriers in the male-dominated field of cybersecurity. The competition is a team event. Each team tackles challenges from cryptography and logic to artificial intelligence […]
TeenTech Festival 2023

This virtual event was attended by over 30 Year 9 students who took part in the interactive live event hosted by Maggie Philbin. The aim of the event was to change the students’ perspectives of technology jobs and break down stereotypes as well as opening their eyes to realise that tech jobs are everywhere and […]